Thursday, August 11, 2011

Milwaukee Streetcar idea is OFF TRACK

Milwaukee is bound and determined to ram a streetcar system down the throats of the taxpayers.

Unfortunately this streetcar "idea" has taken on a life of its own: fancy website pages, fabulous artist's renderings, nifty quotes from "green" groups and other lefty philanthropists, colorful brochures, hundreds of hours of meetings, political speeches, and political capital expenditures. The largest contributors to the fantasy are the vociferous and romanticizing train pundits themselves. 

This “snowball” concept of colorful tracked-metal conveyances started small and (with a well-intentioned, but ill-advised shove) is rolling downhill under its own weight; gobbling up all sanity as it seemingly cannot either be stopped nor reconsidered. It is a “one-track” solution to bringing some life and glitzy eye-candy to our downtown area. I agree (having spent time in other larger metropolitan areas) that Milwaukee lacks a certain “vibe” and “access” to its downtown that other cities have somehow achieved; however building a streetcar LINE is too costly (to taxpayers) and too disruptive (to businesses and the general public) to balance out any theoretical gains. 

If Milwaukee truly wants a mass transit system to service (and promote) its downtown; there are multiple ways to reach that goal without the planned infrastructure of train tracks embedded in its streets. Consider the Orlando, FL system of LYNX. ( It is not “track-based” technology, but rather 4-wheeled and mobile. Routes can be tailored to ridership and don’t require the loss of hundreds of choice parking spots. Talk about environmentally friendly; by definition public transportation is logically environmentally friendly. Just one full LYNX bus operating on new Biodiesel fuel is equivalent to 43 less cars on the roadway. The units themselves are designed and uniquely colored in an edgy way to promote ridership. LYNX operates a fleet of 290 buses on 65 routes, called Links, and has service every day of the year. These buses are usually random solid colors including red, purple, blue, pink, etc. and the rest are wrapped in advertising. The successful system has been in existence since 2004. 

In short: If the City of Milwaukee is hell-bent to take and spend Federal taxpayer funds for a mass-transit system – create one that makes sense and would likely be embraced by a majority of the surrounding community on BOTH sides of the political (and ideological) aisle.

Friday, August 5, 2011

ON WISCONSIN! - Keep it up Governor Walker

Thank you Governor Walker and the State Legislature for doing the job WE elected you to do!

If you'd like to see all the money Wisconsin municipalities are now saving themselves as a result of the Governor's budget (courtesy of the Wisconsin legislature, thank you VERY much) look HERE

Biennial budget bill – filling the 3-billion dollar Jim Doyle hole.
  • Includes: Paying back Minnesota- a step in reinstating the popular, but recently terminated Minnesota-Wisconsin tax reciprocity program by paying back the roughly $60 million in overdue bills that was owed to Minnesota.
  • Includes: 200 million dollar medical malpractice fund restored - The patients’ compensation fund was raided under a bipartisan deal reached in 2007 with then-Gov. Jim Doyle and the Legislature.
  1. Extension of unemployment benefits for 13 more weeks.
  2. Governor-Appointment:  Veterans Affairs Secretary.
  3. Development Opportunity Zone created in Beloit, WI.
  4. Earned Release - repeals sentencing modifications that allowed criminals out early.
  5. Concealed Carry for Wisconsin – 49th state to do so.
  6. Greater School Choice(s) – expansion.
  7. Deer hunting expansion - DNR overreach curtailment of “earn a buck.”
  8. Presidential Primary - would move the date of Wisconsin’s primary elections to the first Tuesday in April during years in which the president and vice-president are elected, was introduced on May 27.
IMPORTANT: If you are in one of the following RECALL districts, please vote to STAY THE COURSE by defeating any DEMOCRAT with your vote!

August 9 Recall Elections
Six incumbent Republican Senators will face recall elections on August 9:
  • SD-2: Sen. Robert Cowles (R) v. Nancy Nusbaum (D)
  • SD-8: Sen. Alberta Darling (R) v. Rep. Sandra Pasch (D)
  • SD-10: Sen. Sheila Harsdorf (R) v. Shelly Moore (D)
  • SD-14: Sen. Luther Olsen (R) v. Rep. Fred Clark (D)
  • SD-18: Sen. Randy Hopper (R) v. Jessica King (D)
  • SD-32: Sen. Dan Kapanke (R) v. Rep. Jennifer Shilling (D)
August 16 Recall Elections
Two incumbent Democratic Senators will face recall elections on August 16:
  • SD-12: Sen. Jim Holperin (D) v. Kim Simac (R)
  • SD-22: Sen. Robert Wirch (D) v. Jonathan Steitz (R)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Who's Zoomin' Who? - The Sandy Pasch Charade

Take your pick of articles below, however it's fairly clear from the allegations that Democratic challenger Sandy Pasch is no more her "own woman" than the woman on the moon.  It's just the same-old, same-old that gets conservative blood like mine boiling...fraud, corruption, and never-ending irregularities surrounding the Democrat party.

It's your choice voters: Stay the course with Alberta Darling and keep in place all of the Governor Walker backed changes for Wisconsin, or go backward, bend over and get ready for 3 billion dollars in debt once more.  Vote August 9th!

  1. Sandy Pasch Busted Again for Deceiving Voters
  2. Election officials probe voter 'block parties'
  3. Sandy Pasch must come clean on coordination
  4. Campaign Controversy: Complaint filed against group connecting food and voting
  5. Claims of Election Fraud, Illegal Collusion Arise in Wisconsin Recall 
  6. Rep. Sandy Pasch should step down as a board member of a third-party group that is campaigning against Sen. Alberta Darling, Pasch's opponent in next week's recall election.
  7. Pasch/Darling race: Where's the money coming from?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can't we (at least) do SOMETHING about all the NOISE? ~ Please!

I just have to ask...why is law enforcement (at least) not handing out some disorderly conduct violations around these vile and disturbing "yelling and chanting fests" organized to torment our governor and the lieutenant governor's speaking engagements?  The various city ordinances that jurisdictionally cover the cities in which the "protestors" are disturbing the peace and quiet, are clear. 

Is it just a matter of a "Walker Backer", attending and being the one to lodge an onsite complaint to the authorities?  Is that all that has been missing here?

What does the ordinance say?

1. An owner of property (residential, commercial, rental or owner occupied) may not have a noise nuisance on their property.  (80-63 Milw. Code.)

2. Point source noise (noise from factories, equipment on commercial buildings, etc.) is measured and regulated by DNS. Call 286-2268.

3. Intermittent noise (boom boxes, loud parties, live music, etc) is measured by the police. If they can hear it 50 feet away from the property, they can issue a citation.

4. If a citation is issued to an occupant ($206), MPD will forward a copy to DNS who will issue a notice of violation to the property owner.

5. If a second citation is issued to the same tenant and the owner takes no action to correct the problem, DNS will notify the owner that the cost of police services and related administrative costs will be assessed against the tax bill of the property from where the noise was produced.

City of Madison, Wisconsin


24.02 DISORDERLY CONDUCT. Whoever does any of the following within the limits of the City of Madison shall be subject to a forfeiture of not more than two hundred dollars ($200).

(1) In a public or private place, engages in violent, abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous, unreasonably loud or otherwise disorderly conduct under circumstances in which such conduct tends to cause or provoke a disturbance; or

(2) With intent to annoy another, makes a telephone call, whether or not conversation ensues.


(1) Sound levels under this section shall be measured with a Type 1 sound level meter manufactured according to standards prescribed by the American National Standards Institute in specification S1.4 (Revised 1971). Measurements shall be made using an "A" weighted network of the sound level meter. All noises shall be subject to the standards contained in subsection (2) provided that such noise shall be capable of being accurately measured with such equipment. Under this section, noises capable of being accurately measured with such equipment shall be deemed to be those noises which cause fluctuations of the needle of the sound level meter with a variation of no more than plus or minus two (2) decibels.

City of Beloit


FINDINGS. The City Council finds that excessive noise endangers physical and emotional health and well-being, interferes with legitimate business and recreational activities, depresses property values, offends the senses, creates a public nuisance and, in other respects, reduces the quality of our environment. The City Council finds that a significant problem exists in the City regarding noise that unreasonably disturbs the peace and quiet of our neighborhoods.


GENERAL PROHIBITION. No person shall, at any time, make any noise tending to unreasonably disturb the peace and quiet of any person in the vicinity thereof.

The latest vile and repugnant vocal displays were perpetrated in Beloit (7-18-11) while our governor was attempting to pitch a pro business message. 
Question: Could various citations have been handed out to (at least) make them STOP their incessant yelling and chanting!?

Plus:  Here’s a link (below) from an Oconomowoc company specializing in decibel measurement equipment, focused to assist law enforcement win any case that was challenged: - Sound Measurement for Noise Ordinance Enforcement

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Union? I think not!

I have been unionized in my past.  I am unionized at present.  What I do for a living and where I work dictates that I's easier to belong than to push back.  I have been to the meetings, participated in functions and seen the inner workings firsthand in my 21-year-affiliations.  As a conservative, I believe more in the power of the individual and their capability for excellence than the overall protection of the lowest common denominator.  I could have eventually gone the way of "Beck", but that seemed like a huge unknown hassle. 

What’s Beck?...well, the Beck decision was a landmark 1988 Supreme Court decision (Communications workers v. Beck) in which the Court found that union security agreements do not “permit a union, over the objections of dues-paying nonmember employees, to expend funds so collected [pursuant to a union-security clause] on activities unrelated to collective bargaining, contract administration or grievance adjustment”.  Note that when one becomes a “Beck Objector” and does not pay full union dues, one effectively quits the union, becomes a financial-core represented worker, and gives up the right to vote in union elections.  At first the Beck Decision seems simple enough with clear implications but semantics quickly complicates matters.  The Beck decision is problematic because many union members are not aware of their rights to become Beck Objectors.  For example, a 1997 national voter survey found that 67% of union members were not aware of their Beck rights (Boehm).  To date it appears that unions are still fighting hard to keep their members in the dark about these rights. 

Don’t confuse Beck with Right to Work.  Right to Work laws prohibit unions from including certain types of union security clauses in their contracts with companies that effectively force the company to make their employees either join the union or at least pay a proportion of their union dues as a condition of employment.

Proponents of Right to Work laws point to research that says Right to Work laws have a positive effect on states that adopt them while opponents of Right to Work laws do just the opposite.  In theory the Beck decision lets union employees easily avoid paying the proportion of union dues that are being used for political purposes. Unfortunately, becoming a Beck Objector is not always easy.  There have been documented cases in which Beck Objectors have faced harassment and have been given misinformation.  Consequently, proponents of Right to Work suggest this is another reason to adopt a Right to Work law. With a Right to Work law a state’s citizens do not have to go through the ordeal associated with becoming Beck Objectors.

Wisconsin is NOT a Right to Work state...IE: I kept my affiliation pure and “Beck-free” to lower my own stress and hassle-factor.  Basically being a State of Wisconsin (Milwaukee worker) union member is not as much a “choice” as it is a necessity, and when in Rome?  (Complete this yourself)  The ASC “union” I currently belong to is made up of supervisors and administrators of the Milwaukee Public Schools.  In my opinion, (due to my past experience with a “trade” union) it functions as more of a professional association than a dyed in the wool “union”.  The ASC recently did the right thing in my opinion, and settled with MPS, a reasonable deal that has me personally paying my fair share for my own retirement pension and health benefits, and none of my "union brothers and sisters" will be getting pink slips as a result of this clear-headed negotiation.  For the record, the union's always had my dues money, but not my vote as an American...I'll decide that for myself, thank you.


The State of Wisconsin voting residents recently elected a conservative republican Governor, Scott Walker.  If you’ve been following the drama you know the details, however I’ll thumbnail them out for you now below.   

Keep this question in mind as you read the two events in the timeline: Q: Do teachers have a right to engage in collective bargaining?  - A: There's no federal constitutional right involved, so when it comes to public employees like teachers, it's up to each state.

BW (Before Walker) – AW (After Walker)

  1. BW: Government workers unionized in 1959 when Wisconsin became the first state since 1935 (when the NLRA {National Labor Relations Act} was passed on behalf of private workers) to allow its non-private workers to do so. Laws specified which issues could be subject to bargaining, such as pay, benefits, hours, and tenure.  Unions formed and flourished sucking up thousands of government employees, with the promises of the collective bargaining power of the masses.
  2. AW: Passage and signing of a law known as “Act 10” in late June of 2011 that repealed the right of state-government workers to bargain for anything but pay increases. Wisconsin had become the first state in decades to roll back collective-bargaining rights. Note: At least eight other states are considering something similar. Proposals in Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio would limit the range of issues subject to bargaining. Other bills in Michigan, Nebraska, and Tennessee would eliminate the right to engage in collective bargaining.   

Here’s what Act 10 now does:

  1. Prohibits public employee unions from bargaining anything except “total base wages,” and limits any agreement to no more than the percentage increase (or decrease) in the consumer price index (CPI).
  2. Requires an annual supermajority vote of at least 51% all eligible employees, not just those voting, to keep their union.  Without a supermajority vote, the union would be de-certified and could not represent the employees.
  3. Prohibits public employers from allowing members to pay union dues through paycheck deductions.
  4. Eliminates fair share.  This allows employees to benefit from the union contract, service, and representation - without joining the union and paying union dues.

What’s the point of this blog entry?

I wanted to ask a simple question regarding the Milwaukee Public Schools Milwaukee Teacher’s Education Association (MTEA) members; when is a union member not a union member?

Because the MTEA’s four bargaining units already had contracts in force the new law’s restrictions on collective bargaining will take effect fully when each unit’s contract expires.  For educational assistants, substitute teachers, and school accountants/bookkeepers the expiration date is July 1, 2012; for teachers, on July 1, 2013.

Since the Act 10 law took effect and the State of Wisconsin drastically lowered the amount of taxpayer money headed for MPS (and the MTEA union bargaining units refused to reopen contracts with MPS that would have instituted immediate pension and health benefit employee self-contributions), drastic layoffs of “fellow” unionized teachers were ordered.  These would be the newest, youngest, least-tenured employees to be given pink slips for the upcoming school year.

Now here’s how the MTEA places all blame and sees the ONLY solution with private industry being urged to fill the void, instead of MTEA members):

MTEA President Bob Peterson issued a statement in response to the MPS announcement of the layoffs of 519 school employees:

“These are difficult times for everyone – for our students, our schools and our city. Governor Scott Walker and Senator Alberta Darling, co-chair of the Joint Finance Committee, have slashed funding for public education across the state. For students, families, and educators of our district, the governor’s unprecedented cuts are especially devastating.  Instead of creating jobs, Governor Walker and his Republican supporters have forced the elimination of hundreds of family-sustaining jobs in Milwaukee.  Last September, teachers bargained a concessionary contract with the school board that will save the district $94 million over the next two school years. We call on community stakeholders, particularly the business community, to step up and help solve the district’s immediate budget crisis by matching the $94 million. This would be a significant step toward providing Milwaukee children with the educational opportunities they deserve. We remain committed to working with parents, community and religious groups, labor organizations, businesses, the MPS school board and the MPS administration to strengthen public education for the children of this city.”

I submit that any employee who would continue to call themselves a “Union Member” should demand that contracts be reopened immediately, or be forced from the MTEA as a hypocrite and charlatan.   Why?  Because the union is supposed to be just that – a “union”.  UNION = An association, combination, or organization of employees who band together to secure favorable wages, improved working conditions, and better work hours, and to resolve grievances against employers.  MTEA members have complained that; “they didn't have an individual vote to re-open or not to re-open their contracts, so what are they supposed to do?”  Well, since negotiations are done through a representative committee and those members could just as easily be “convinced” to vote to re-open as not, I further submit that severe self-interest and selfishness is to blame, and the eyes of those with fall 2011 employment need to continue to be averted from those of their unemployed colleagues, out of shame.

So bottom line; when is the MTEA a union and when is it not? – Answer: it sure as hell isn’t now!

Effects of Right to Work Laws on Employees, Unions and Businesses - John W. Cooper (2004)
MTEA website

Friday, June 17, 2011

INSIDE | The Liberal Mindset - Inexplicable Logic

Inexplicable Logic | Surely a more oxymoronical truism has not existed before in our "English" lexicon that so aptly describes the utter disconnect which most (if not all) conservatives like me experience when attempting to "as Dr. Stephen Covey put it, "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."

Borrowing from Webster: Inexplicable \ˌi-nik-ˈspli-kə-bəl - "incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for"  AND  Logic: \ˈlä-jik\ - ": the science of the formal principles of reasoning".  I think you'd agree that these two words most often aptly identify the culminating exasperation involved with conservatives trying to grasp the liberal viewpoint.  (...and most likely vice-versa).

What am I writing about here?  Well, in keeping with the theme of this blog and the titles which all begin the same way, "INSIDE | The Liberal Mindset..." I attempting to explore, and by virtue explain, how it could be that the liberally-minded amongst us can possibly think as they do.  Admittedly trying to unravel this mystery is akin to untangling a massive ball of yarn which the cat has decided to disrupt with its four clawed feet, with your own two human ones;  it is nearly inconceivable from the start! 

Basically because God put us together in our "own special ways" there are certain differences which tend to prevent complete and total understanding between humans.  However, this column does try and do just that - understand - and perhaps by highlighting and illustrating a few of the seemingly bi-polar regions of the two basic tennets of political and socio-economic mindsets; cause deep reflection.

With all that said; let's examine the following statement: If you ask a "conservative what they believe and WHY they believe it, you will get a carefully stated laundry list of tenets buttressed with solid background rationale.  However if you do the same with a liberal, you get either nothing or next to nothing.

Example (from a typical conservative): I believe in a person getting to keep most of their hard-earned money and giving as little to the government as possible.  Why? Because I believe that the government was created as a tool of the people and not their lord and master.  That the government should not be the one that decides how I live my life outside of keeping the rule of law and other basic services.  I believe in personal accountability and that you are a product of your individual efforts.  Sure I support public health and safety issues, garbage collection and snow plowing; but paying my hard earned wages to support "(fill in the blank)" is not on my bucket list...You get the picture right?  However, ask any typical liberal to espouse their beliefs and to solidly back them up, you get something like this; I believe that rich bastards people don't pay their fair share.  Why? 'cause they make too damn much money and there's poor people out there.  If you push them to explain their contention that "rich people" don't pay their fair share, they'll just get mad and stammer all sorts of holier-than-thou platitudes with the sole intention of tying to make you feel selfish.  You see, their "reason" never seems to include themselves in the equation of solving society's ills; that's the "rich people's" problem.  It's the same rationale that has each one of 'em grabbing for every dollar of pork no matter what the actual need may be.  It's "someone else's money" not theirs and it'll always be there to grab.

So in summary; a conservative will tell you specifically what they believe in and why - and a liberal can't bring themself to actually espouse beliefs with any rational conviction because (perhaps) saying it (or writing it) will glaringly expose the inexplicable logic within their tenets and slogans...AND make them mad(er) in the process?   After all, a bumper sticker is short and allows for no logical discussion right?

You decide (and comment if you are so inclined).

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

INSIDE | The Liberal Mindset - Cultivating Class Warfare

Class warfare (and it is aptly named) did not happen overnight. We "allowed" it to incrementally and insipidly pervade the mindset of those who are most predisposed.

Here’s a test…

Ask yourself and then ask your neighbors, friends, co-workers and relatives to respond to the following made-up scenario question: "When I heard who had won the lottery, my first reaction was____________."

The answers you receive will tell you a lot about human beings in general, and their innate inability to celebrate the success of others. Most people will react jealously and angrily in that they "didn't get theirs". It takes real inner strength, self confidence and conditioning to have the attitude of congratulations and well wishes when others are successful. To look at another person's success (even when pure luck was involved) and to aspire instead of harboring ill will takes practice and persistence.

Far left democrats and their liberal cohorts, revel in stirring up resentment and discontent like fanning a smoldering flame, when they cultivate the weakest among us with the intent of maintaining control over those who embody these tendencies. It's a vicious circle which must be broken. Personal responsibility and personal success must be stressed and the preachers of jealousy need to be driven back to the dark recesses.

Since incrementalism got us here; that's going to be our way out.

So the next time the neighbor's kid hits the game winning home run (instead of your child) take your wee one by the hand and walk over to that lad and make a real effort to congratulate his success - so your boy (or girl) can see how it's done...smiling.