Is it just a matter of a "Walker Backer", attending and being the one to lodge an onsite complaint to the authorities? Is that all that has been missing here?
What does the ordinance say?
1. An owner of property (residential, commercial, rental or owner occupied) may not have a noise nuisance on their property. (80-63 Milw. Code.)
2. Point source noise (noise from factories, equipment on commercial buildings, etc.) is measured and regulated by DNS. Call 286-2268.
3. Intermittent noise (boom boxes, loud parties, live music, etc) is measured by the police. If they can hear it 50 feet away from the property, they can issue a citation.
4. If a citation is issued to an occupant ($206), MPD will forward a copy to DNS who will issue a notice of violation to the property owner.
5. If a second citation is issued to the same tenant and the owner takes no action to correct the problem, DNS will notify the owner that the cost of police services and related administrative costs will be assessed against the tax bill of the property from where the noise was produced.
1. An owner of property (residential, commercial, rental or owner occupied) may not have a noise nuisance on their property. (80-63 Milw. Code.)
2. Point source noise (noise from factories, equipment on commercial buildings, etc.) is measured and regulated by DNS. Call 286-2268.
3. Intermittent noise (boom boxes, loud parties, live music, etc) is measured by the police. If they can hear it 50 feet away from the property, they can issue a citation.
4. If a citation is issued to an occupant ($206), MPD will forward a copy to DNS who will issue a notice of violation to the property owner.
5. If a second citation is issued to the same tenant and the owner takes no action to correct the problem, DNS will notify the owner that the cost of police services and related administrative costs will be assessed against the tax bill of the property from where the noise was produced.
City of Madison, Wisconsin
24.02 DISORDERLY CONDUCT. Whoever does any of the following within the limits of the City of Madison shall be subject to a forfeiture of not more than two hundred dollars ($200).
(1) In a public or private place, engages in violent, abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous, unreasonably loud or otherwise disorderly conduct under circumstances in which such conduct tends to cause or provoke a disturbance; or
(2) With intent to annoy another, makes a telephone call, whether or not conversation ensues.
(1) Sound levels under this section shall be measured with a Type 1 sound level meter manufactured according to standards prescribed by the American National Standards Institute in specification S1.4 (Revised 1971). Measurements shall be made using an "A" weighted network of the sound level meter. All noises shall be subject to the standards contained in subsection (2) provided that such noise shall be capable of being accurately measured with such equipment. Under this section, noises capable of being accurately measured with such equipment shall be deemed to be those noises which cause fluctuations of the needle of the sound level meter with a variation of no more than plus or minus two (2) decibels.
City of Beloit
FINDINGS. The City Council finds that excessive noise endangers physical and emotional health and well-being, interferes with legitimate business and recreational activities, depresses property values, offends the senses, creates a public nuisance and, in other respects, reduces the quality of our environment. The City Council finds that a significant problem exists in the City regarding noise that unreasonably disturbs the peace and quiet of our neighborhoods.
GENERAL PROHIBITION. No person shall, at any time, make any noise tending to unreasonably disturb the peace and quiet of any person in the vicinity thereof.

Question: Could various citations have been handed out to (at least) make them STOP their incessant yelling and chanting!?
Plus: Here’s a link (below) from an Oconomowoc company specializing in decibel measurement equipment, focused to assist law enforcement win any case that was challenged: - Sound Measurement for Noise Ordinance Enforcement
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