Tuesday, June 14, 2011

INSIDE | The Liberal Mindset - Cultivating Class Warfare

Class warfare (and it is aptly named) did not happen overnight. We "allowed" it to incrementally and insipidly pervade the mindset of those who are most predisposed.

Here’s a test…

Ask yourself and then ask your neighbors, friends, co-workers and relatives to respond to the following made-up scenario question: "When I heard who had won the lottery, my first reaction was____________."

The answers you receive will tell you a lot about human beings in general, and their innate inability to celebrate the success of others. Most people will react jealously and angrily in that they "didn't get theirs". It takes real inner strength, self confidence and conditioning to have the attitude of congratulations and well wishes when others are successful. To look at another person's success (even when pure luck was involved) and to aspire instead of harboring ill will takes practice and persistence.

Far left democrats and their liberal cohorts, revel in stirring up resentment and discontent like fanning a smoldering flame, when they cultivate the weakest among us with the intent of maintaining control over those who embody these tendencies. It's a vicious circle which must be broken. Personal responsibility and personal success must be stressed and the preachers of jealousy need to be driven back to the dark recesses.

Since incrementalism got us here; that's going to be our way out.

So the next time the neighbor's kid hits the game winning home run (instead of your child) take your wee one by the hand and walk over to that lad and make a real effort to congratulate his success - so your boy (or girl) can see how it's done...smiling.

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